Shu Pu'er

Banzhang 2021

Even lovers of Shu Pu'er will have to admit that finding a top-notch example of this tea type can be quite challenging. The higher-quality leaves are usually reserved for Sheng Pu'er, which commands much higher prices. In addition, a lot can go wrong during the wet-piling process (渥堆; wo dui), an essential step in the production of Shu Pu'er. If you’re a fan of Shu Pu'er, you know what I mean.

The joy is all the greater when you encounter a Shu Pu'er like this one, harvested in late spring and summer of 2021 from tall trees in Banzhang and the neighboring Laoman’e. The blend of large leaves and huang pian (黃片) doesn’t have even the slightest hint of funkiness in its smell. Instead, the wet leaves exude notes of hot stones, forest floor, red earth, and a sweetness reminiscent of chocolate cookies. As you would expect from any tea including material from Laoman’e, the taste is characterized by a dominant but satisfying bitterness, akin to 100% cocoa chocolate, complemented by notes of dry root wood. The highlight, however, is the mouthfeel. From infusion to infusion, the liquor becomes thicker and darker while remaining exceptionally clear, assuming an oily quality that coats the entire mouth and throat.

If you want to introduce your friends to Shu Pu'er, do them a favor and choose this one! That is, if you’re even willing to share it—given its quality after just three years of aging, this tea will likely have you coming back to it again and again for years to come.

Written by Sven

  • ORIGIN: Banzhang and Laoman'e, Menghai, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China
  • TEA FACTORY: Menghai Yuangu Tea Factory
  • CULTIVAR: Da Ye Zhong
  • HARVEST TIME: Late spring 2021, pressed on 23 June 2022
  • TASTE: 100% cocoa chocolate, root wood, hot stones
9 Items left
12.50 €
  • Quantity: 6g / 500ml
  • Water temperature: 100°C
  • Infusion time: 5 min
  • Quantity: 5g / 100ml
  • Water temperature: 100°C
  • Several short infusions

For best results in gongfu cha, brew in the traditional gaiwan or in a Yixing teapot.