
These flattened, slightly dull leaves exude a deliciously smooth fruitiness before even being hit with hot water. Pressed into the wok during sha qing like Long Jing, they share the latter’s flattened appearance and roasty, nutty aroma, but whereas fine Long Jing can be buttery, Baohong chooses to evoke coconut, red bean, kiwi, dragonfruit, and a piquant tingle of black pepper. The smooth and juicy liquor manages to be both refreshing and warming, a beautiful combination in a green tea and a rare treat.
  • ORIGIN:  Yiliang, Kunming, Yunnan, China
  • MEANING:  Flood of jewels (bao hong)
  • CULTIVAR:  Xiao Ye Zhong
  • HARVEST TIME:  12 March 2023
  • TASTE:  Dragonfruit, red bean, black pepper
4 Items left
12.00 € 8.40 €
  • Quantity: 6g / 500ml
  • Water temperature: 80°C
  • Infusion time: 3 min
  • Quantity: 2g / 150ml
  • Water temperature: 80°C
  • 3 infusions: 60, 60, 90 sec

For best results brew in a tall glass and fill with water before adding the leaves. Too high water temperature would burn the leaves, and the tea will taste bitter and sour.