Fanzhuang Jin Xuan

Fanzhuang Jin Xuan is an unusual Taiwanese oolong tea, offering a distinct “reddish” character, a hallmark of its unique processing. The tea has undergone an intensified “big-waving” process (大浪, da lang), where the leaves are agitated to promote significant cell wall destruction, essential for achieving the deep, rich color and complex flavor profile. Following the big-waving process, the leaves were fermented (聚堆發酵, ju dui fa jiao), a method where the leaves are piled up, limiting their exposure to air. This fermentation, which lasted for 5 hours, results in flavor notes reminiscent of GABA, while Fanzhuang Jin Xuan maintains its unique and own character, deserving a categorization on its own.

The tea’s texture is extraordinarily thick, almost as if it were a concentrated essence of oolong, yet it maintains a smooth, velvety quality without any bitterness. The natural creaminess of the Jin Xuan cultivar, known for its milky and buttery notes, is enhanced by the long big-waving and fermentation, resulting in a tea that is both richly flavorful and uniquely thick. The flavor profile reveals a fruity character reminiscent of pear cider and dried apricots, with a delicate hint of orchid, adding layers of complexity to the experience.

This exclusive tea was sourced from a single production batch reserved specifically for Nannuoshan, making it available only in our shop.


What is Fanzhuang?

Fanzhuang (番庄), literally meaning “foreign district,” refers to a specific style of semi-fermented tea historically produced in the Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli regions of Taiwan. Before the term Dong Fang Mei Ren (Oriental Beauty) emerged in 1984, these teas were known for their distinctive “reddish” color, which set them apart from the “golden” semi-fermented teas of other regions like Muzha, Dong Ding, and Wenshan. Without Fanzhuang, there would be no Oriental Beauty today; in a way, Fanzhuang can be seen as the precursor of Dong Fang Mei Ren.
The processing methods inspired the production of this Fanzhuang Jin Xuan and, more widely, of all teas produced personally by Simon.
Fanzhuang Jin Xuan is a tea that carries the essence of this historical style while offering a modern, refined taste experience.


The tea master

Chang Shing-Shen, also known as Simon Chang, is the esteemed tea processor of TWSST, based in Taichung City. With years of hands-on experience and meticulous research into historical tea samples and records, Simon Chang and his dedicated team have delved deep into the roots of Taiwanese tea culture, reviving traditional processing principles. Their mission extends beyond creating teas for immediate enjoyment; they also craft teas intended for life-long preservation.

Employing a unique and meticulous processing technique, TWSST has successfully processed 34 distinct tea cultivars in Taiwan. Their efforts have played a crucial role in reviving nearly extinct cultivars, allowing them to be rediscovered and cherished by tea enthusiasts. Through this work, they have not only preserved these rare teas but also showcased the diverse and rich Taiwanese tea culture.

Tea processed by TWSST is designed to age gracefully, much like a fine wine. The aging process requires interaction with air, so these teas are intentionally not vacuum-sealed. We encourage you to explore their teas, age them thoughtfully, and savor the evolving flavors over time by sampling a brew every few months.

  • ORIGIN:  Zhushan, Nantou, Taiwan
  • MEANING:  Foreign district (fan zhuang) golden daylily (jin xuan)
  • CULTIVAR:  Jin Xuan
  • HARVEST TIME:  Spring 2024
  • TASTE:  Pear cider, butter, orchid blossoms
  • PRODUCER:  Simon Chang (The Teaory of Everything)
7 Items left
17.50 €
  • Quantity: 6g / 500ml
  • Water temperature: 100°C
  • Infusion time: 5 min
  • Quantity: 3g / 100ml
  • Water temperature: 100°C
  • 4 infusions: 60, 75, 90, 120 sec

For best results in gongfu cha, brew in a traditional gaiwan or in a Yixing teapot.